Thursday, February 5, 2009

Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint

The first quiz that I took was called the Earth Day Network Footprint Calculator. It was actually a fun quiz, until I got my results. It said that if everyone lived the way I do we would need 5.3 planet earths to survive. I am kind of embarrased that I live this way. I didn't realize how much harm I am doing to the environment, or how much of its' resources I am using up. It also says that to support my lifestyle it would take 23.5 global acres of the Earth's productive area. The most being for land to get energy! This one quiz alone had opened my eyes to how I live and things that I NEED to change, and immediately! I for one am going to try and start eating more organic and locally grown foods, because I do eat a lot of processed foods, which is transported here using gas to get here! It is like a chain of events to harm our environment just because I eat processed foods, which is easily changable!

I also did the
The Cleaner and Greener® "Pollution from Electricity Use" Calculator and it showed that for a year the electricity that we use in my house produces 18,993 pounds of green house gas emmissions! That is a ton!! No wonder our earths atmosphere is getting thicker!! I think in my house for the most part we turn everything off when we aren't using it and are a little more aware of electricity, so I can't imagine people who don't pay attention to things like that. They must be producing a lot more! Also you have to think that the pounds we are producing is for 4 people in an average sized house and there are billions of households out there!

I did one more little exercise and I think that EVERYONE should do this one just to see the results, because I can't put them all in here. It is really shocking and neat to see how where we live relates to other places. It's a
pollution calculator and you put in your zip code and it show you how we rank among other counties in the U.S. with pollution rates. It also shows you other things, like what kind of toxins we produce the most of. It is really neat. One thing about Duluth that stuck out the most to me was that we are rated one of the dirtiest/worst counties in the U.S. for releasing recognized carcinogens into the air. We are in the 80-90 percentile range for releasing carcinogens. I was shocked to see St. Louis County as one of the worst in the country. Duluth isn't even that big, so if you think of all the other big counties/cities in the world I feel like our earth is doomed! On a lighter note though, we are considered one of the cleanest/best counties for air releases of recognized developmental toxicants, so that makes me feel a little better.

I hope that some of these quizzes and quick exercises will help some of you guys realize some little things that we can change in our daily lives to help our environment!


  1. Wow! The information about Duluth is especially interesting! I'm not sure if anyone has done that activity before! Thanks for leading the way!

  2. The information about Duluth is interesting but not really that surprising to me. When you look at all the companies that are along the lake and in west Duluth, it's noticeable that there is going to be a lot of pollution in Duluth. It would be interesting to see how Duluth compares to the Twin Cities area!

  3. Hey Kaileigh-
    I also think that if everyone is aware of what we're doing to the environment we'll make a change. I really gotta start eating more organic as well. These quizzes were actually a lot funner than I thought they would've been.. Keep up the good work!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. That pollution calculator is kind of scary! I do agree with Erika, that it doesn't surprise me that Duluth is high. Everyday while driving to work, i go on 35 and it smells so bad by the lake where all the industrial companies are. That electricity activity actually surprised me in a good way however, we had a roommate move out, and our electricity usage has gone SO far down! I love it! Great finds!

  6. Hellloooo Kaileigh! Great Blog first off. Yah so I took that 'Cleaner and Greener' quiz. It said I used up about 21,000 lbs of greenhouse gas emissions. Definitely an eye opener. And it was also nice to look at the pollution calculator! Good job! Have a good one


  7. Hey Kail!
    Thanks for helping me out with those quizzes! Being roommates and having pretty much the same habits, it would take 10 Earth's for our lifestyle!! We already are trying to live green by turning down our heat!
    WOW, are you serious our house produces 19,000 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions?!??? Also, I mentioned you in my blog! :)
    Crazy, Duluth is so high up there for carcinogens in the air!
    Good post! See you laterr


  8. Good job on your post! That pollution calculator is really scary! I didn't know Duluth was that bad. I also like the electricity calculator and didn't do the greatest...but I think if a certain roommmate didn't live with me it would have been MUCH better! What were you thinking about doing to help reduce your pollution and ecological footprint?

  9. Heya Kaileigh. Yah I dont know why it won't let you post on my UMD Blog Post. One thing it could be is that you may not have been signed in. Other than that, I dont know what it could be
