Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Share and Voice: Northland Country Club


I work at Northland Country Club (NCC) here in Duluth. For those of you who don't know anything about it, it is a private country club where you have to have a membership to go there. We serve food there, we have a bar, and also a golf course. It is pretty expensive and the members want to have everything at their beck and call! I am a server there, and I love it! Anyways, about a week ago my boss and some members who are on the board had a meeting and when my boss came back from the meeting he was telling us some of the changes they are gonna make. The first thing out of his mouth was that this summer they were going to get bottled water for out on the golf course. I immediately interrupted him and told him how bad bottled water actually is for our environment, especially considering that NCC is trying to go "green" as much as possible! He didn't believe me at first until I started giving him statistics about how much emission one bottle produces and he was shocked! He actually ended up wanting me to make print outs of things we use at NCC and how much emissions they produce and how it effects our environment. He also now wants me to start attending the board meetings so I can have my input and help educate our board members on what is going on since they don't take the time to research it.

I have to say that this is probably one of my favorite classes and out of all my college classes that I have taken so far I know I will get the most out of this class. It is really nice to be able to take something that I have learned from a class and apply it in my everyday life. It is really interesting to me! I also think that this example just goes to show that even one person voicing their opinion actually can make a difference. I think that it is up to those of us that know what is going on to step in and try and help educate others on what we know, even if we aren't experts!


  1. Kaileigh!
    Congrats on speaking up. Sometimes we are looked at as the underdogs in decisions like that, but you proved them wrong. Way to go!! I love this class too, it's my favorite as well. Great job!!

  2. Kaileigh

    Way to go! I'd be nervous to speak my mind about what we've been learning so far, not because I'm scared to speak it, but because I wouldn't know the stats, so I'm glad you did. And even more impressively, they listened and want to do something about! Great post!


  3. Kaileigh,
    Well, way to go! That was so good of you to stick up for the environment. And look where it got you=) Congrats and keep spreading the word.


  4. You are amazing! Somebody better pass you the "Blog On" award for this post! Seriously!! If not, I will! You are changing the world, Kaileigh! So impressive!!!

  5. Wow, good for you! That's really awesome that you were able to back up your claim with stats. I probably would have gotten too nervous and forgotten them all! It's really encouraging that employers will listen to us even though we're just still students. Way to go!

  6. Good luck with this Kaileigh! You're doing a good thing!

  7. Wow Kaileigh... I think that it is great that you are making your voice heard at work, and that you are being so environmentally conscious!!

  8. this is great! Very impressive...way to use environmental in your everyday life!

  9. Hey Kaileigh! Awesome job with this! I'm giving you a blog award for it! check it out on my blog! Have a good one

