Monday, May 4, 2009

Share and Voice: National Drinking Water Week

I just wanted to let everyone know that it is National Drinking Water Week from May 3rd-May 9th. This week is set aside to help educate people about the water cycle and how water can be contaminated. Here is an article that explains why drinking water can be a concern.  I'm sure that we all know many of the harmful elements that can be in our water and the harm they can do to us, but this just reiterates this and also shows some other toxins that I didn't know about.  I got this information from a website called Tox Town.  It is really cool, because you can click on different locations, such as farms, cities, and towns and see some of the health issues that go on in each area, or how these locations contribute to the harmful effects. It even talks about the Swine Flu, which is a hot topic as of right now!! 


  1. Hey Kaileigh!
    Great find.. you always have neat voices like your previous earth day one... I am not a huge water drinker, but know that I need to do some work.. Great post!

  2. Very Cool! I love water but what a great way to remind people to drink it! Ha, good post gf!
